In order to eliminate the factors that restrict the performance of wireless network data transmission, we proposed\nthe optimal control mechanism of wireless network data transmission. The proposed mechanism solves the\nintelligence problem of the feedback loop, the mobility of relay nodes, and the feedback of the receiving end. On\nthe one hand, to eliminate the external interference factors, we established an optimal feedback loop control\nsystem between the sender and the receiver. On the other hand, in the time linear region, the crowd feedback\nmodule is added to the optimal feedback closed-loop control system based on the linear weight. On the basis of\nthe above schemes, we proposed an adaptive optimization model of mobile data transmission. The experiments\ncompared the proposed optimal crowd feedback optimal control scheme with the optimization strategy of the\ndata transmission. From the results of system efficiency and system throughput performance, the proposed optimal\ncrowd feedback optimal control scheme has an obvious advantage.